
Clubs and Organisations

Round Table: Ilkley & District Round Table

Ilkley and District Round Table is a group of like minded individuals who meet on a regular basis to fulfil three of the main aims of the Round Table organisation:  Fun, Fundraising and Fellowship.


Attending and organising events such as Go Karting, Brewery Trips, Ten Pin Bowling, Curries, Pub Quizzes, Golf, Bowls and Archery to name a few.


We run a number of fundraising events every year, for which we rely on the ongoing generous support of the local community:

• Ilkley Beer Festival: This annual event is the Round Table's largest fund raising activity, with the 2011 event raising over £30,000.

• Children in Need: The annual BBC/Round Table fundraiser involves members of Ilkley Round Table wearing fancy dress all day, rattling cans around Ilkley and raising over £2,000.

• Santa Float: For five evenings in the run up to Christmas we take Santa Claus on the float around the streets of Ilkley and Addingham, bringing joy to many faces and raising over £1,000 with the support of the community we visit.

• Other Events: We help other organisations with their events and frequently run additional fundraising events ourselves. These have included, an Auction of Goods and Promises, canoeing the Liverpool to Leeds canal, and the 3 Peaks Walk. Each event raising several thousands for local charities and worthy causes.


The opportunity to meet new people, not only in Ilkley table, but also from other tables and ’41 Clubs’ (ex- Tablers).

The proceeds of our fundraising events (other than Children in Need) are donated to local worthy causes. If you would like to apply for a donation or you would like further information on applying, please contact the table's This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

If you would like to know more about Ilkley and District Round Table, please get in touch with the Chairman, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..